Wednesday, September 19, 2007

video not working

sorry I am having issues with Carters video posting......

stay tuned!

Monday, September 17, 2007

VCUG Gone!!!

He is finally asleep....

Last tid bit to share with you all.....

His sleep pattern was all screwed up by this and I just broke down about 30 minutes ago (10:30 PM) and gave him a sherbert and let him watch cartoons. I know what a bad mom!

Then off to bed I let him use my afgan my grammy made me to keep him warm!!!

I think they did the trick all is quiet!!!!

Thanks to Grammy's Blankey .... and a little sherbert!!!!

VCUG is almost GONE!!!.....

VCUG went well. Few things I would like to share with my fellow mothers....

Vercid is the drug they choose to sedate my child this morning for his test. This drug works best when the child is sleep deprived and has an empty stomach. So Sunday night he was up til 11:30pm eating and drinking and watching the Goodnight Show! Monday morning I woke him up at 7:30 and off to the hospital we went NO breakfast NO milk and Tired Chase. The Vercid made him very emotional. SO at this point we have a 3 year old who is tired, hungry, scared and over emotional and honestly acting drunk from the vercid. During the entire test he was awake and a little unhappy about the procedure. He did NOT like the numbing cream on his pee pee and the catheter, I don't blame him one bit. He did not like the tape on his pee pee either. And the one thing I thought he would like was the little red light on his finger tip to track his Oxygen levels. He wanted that thing off so bad. The hardest part is right at the end of the test... he is laying on a table naked with a catheter still in and they want him to pee on command so they can watch it on the tv. After 15 minutes of 5 adults pleading with this overtired, emotional, hungry, scared 3 year old I put a cup to his pee pee and said pee in the cup for DR Mary and he PEED for Dr Mary. She holds weight with him, doesn't she?

After we got back to his room we let him watch tv and lounge off the drunkeness of Vercid. It was pretty comical for us at this point. He was a happy little drunk now! He had chocolate milk and french toast with syrup! He gobbled it all up. He rode out of Pediatrics in a wagon and was quite the little flirt all the way to the car from the 3rd floor!!!

That's my Boy!!! (or my Ham!!!)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

VCUG day is here .....

Monday morning Chase has his VCUG test at Elliot. (see previous post for explanation on VCUG :) ) Im nervous because it is his 1st sedation and it is semi awake. He can still cry and act like he does not want the test done. Then the Cath....owie....I will have to leave the room. Then the test.....then poof he will wake up and not know a thing. The only positive of this entire test is that the medicine will help him forget it ever happened.

Man I feel so silly, everything we have been through with Carter and this one little test is keeping me up at night. The pediatrician called today...on a Sunday. She is so nice. Talked me through it and calmed my fears. She was so informative. She really made me feel special calling me on a Sunday to talk to me about Chase's test. Of course, she got an update on all of us but she really called for Chase. I told Chase at bed time that she called and he was so happy. His eyes lit up and he got all excited. It is so cool that he loves doctors and nurses and that is because of everything we have gone through.

There is good out of everything!!!

Walker he don't need no stinken' Walker!!!


What a better way to start walking then into the arms of his Prothetist, Scott!

9/11/07 is the official date he walked at Next Step for the 1 st time without any support. He was so proud of himself. He just kept chasing Scott back and forth. The feeling we all had watching take those 1st steps was just PRICELESS. September 11th will never be the same!

He also got a new SMO right before he started walking. What a reaction to a new brace. A SMO is the right ankle brace he wears. The minute he stood to his feet Mike and I noticed the difference in his positioning. It was amazing how quickly he adapted to it and then exceeded in it.

Walking all on his own! We are all so proud of him and all the hard work he has done!!!

NO Pictures of the 1st steps. I KNOW CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!???? The one time in the world I do not have my better believe that camera is in my purse and ready to go.

Carter has since continued to walk everyday unsupported. He is showing off for anyone who will watch.

Such a milestone for such a little boy!!!