Sunday, September 16, 2007

VCUG day is here .....

Monday morning Chase has his VCUG test at Elliot. (see previous post for explanation on VCUG :) ) Im nervous because it is his 1st sedation and it is semi awake. He can still cry and act like he does not want the test done. Then the Cath....owie....I will have to leave the room. Then the test.....then poof he will wake up and not know a thing. The only positive of this entire test is that the medicine will help him forget it ever happened.

Man I feel so silly, everything we have been through with Carter and this one little test is keeping me up at night. The pediatrician called today...on a Sunday. She is so nice. Talked me through it and calmed my fears. She was so informative. She really made me feel special calling me on a Sunday to talk to me about Chase's test. Of course, she got an update on all of us but she really called for Chase. I told Chase at bed time that she called and he was so happy. His eyes lit up and he got all excited. It is so cool that he loves doctors and nurses and that is because of everything we have gone through.

There is good out of everything!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

and why didn't you call me? Having a child that's been through that and more, I would have been more then happy to help you through this. I'm sure he did fine and everything will be okay. Call me if you need me