Friday, May 25, 2007

A Mother's Pride

For the past month we have been teaching Carter a couple of signs. More, Play, All Done and Up. Easter Seals has no worries about his speech development because he is very vocal and understands every word we say. They believe that since he is concentrating on his prosthetic leg and walking so much that he is just not forming words yet. I guess he is taking it "One thing at a time". So the sign we use most is MORE. We are hoping he will start to ask for something rather than grunt or cry. And VIOLA! Today we were sharing grapes and when the bowl was empty he made the sign for MORE and I almost fell over! Just another reason I have always wanted to be a Mom - PRIDE!!!!


Anonymous said...

what's the sign auntie mary the best? lmao

Jessica said...

Way to go Carter! I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it.
Let me know if you decide to get those signing times videos.

Maddy said...

You both have a lot to be proud about!
Best wishes