Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More on to pee or not to pee!!!!!

Well we got a call from Chase's Doctor and she has scheduled some tests in light of his recent UTI. I know this may sound odd but any boy at his age (3) that gets a UTI automatically has a renal ultrasound and a test called a UCVG.

The UCVG is as follows:

"Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)—In a VCUG, a catheter inserted in the urethra is used to fill the bladder with the contrast medium. The x-ray machine then captures a video of the contrast medium during urination. This procedure allows the doctor to see things such as whether urine is backing up into the ureters when it should be traveling the other way, down through the urethra, or whether urine outflow through the urethra is blocked. VCUG is often used with children who have recurrent infections to determine whether a defect in the urinary tract is causing the infections. It can also show blockages from an enlarged prostate in men or abnormal bladder position in women."

Since Chase is 3 they will be sedating him for this. Again, I know this sounds severe for just one UTI but the doctors assure us that they do this all the time in this same scenario. We trust our doctors so we will have the 2 tests done. Im sure the results will be normal. Still a little nerve wracking. I have gotten used to my Carter having things done to him but Chase has never had to go through anything like this.

I wish Carter could vocalize more because I think he would have some good advice for his big brother!! ;)

On a side note, today Chase stuck up for his brother for the 1st time and I wasn't sure if I was proud of scared!?!?! We were at a Mc Donald's Play Place and they were at the top of the tunnel slide and a bigger boy was crowding Carter a bit and Chase put his hand up and said firmly "Give him some space"!!!

Holy Cow Knock me Down!

Honestly, proud because Chase was being protective of his little man BUT scared that it could escalate as they get older. Honestly, we have already talked about this many times and so many other parents in support groups talk about the very same thing. I guess the fear of the unknown creeped in on me a bit today. I just pushed it down with the PRIDE and left it at that!!!!


Jessica said...

I'm right there with ya Kelli. VCUG's aren't nearly as bad as MAG3 scans. He will be fine I'm sure.
Are you having it done at DHMC? They are the absolute best! Casey sees Dr. Herz and Mary Gheen.
My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Colleen had her first VCUG done at 3 months old...after having a UTI. It showed that she had urinary reflux and we were referred to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for eval by a pediatric urologist. He thought she would outgrow it without the need for surgery...he estimated by age 2 and put her on a prophylactic antibiotic. At age three they repeated the VCUG and it was done without sedation, EXTREMELY traumatic, mostly for me, because Colleen doesn't remember it, but I will never forget it. She screamed and cried and yelled through the whole thing "Take me home, don't let them do this to me! I want to go home, please mommy! I want to leave, make them stop!" I was sobbing, it was horrifying. But like I said, she doesn't remember a thing. And her reflux was gone, like the dr predicted. So I would say its a good thing to check, because urinary reflux can lead to recurrent UTIs and ultimately to kidney damage if left untreated. But definitely sedate him!! I learned that lesson!