Saturday, November 8, 2008

Transition Meetings and what they all mean!

I have no idea. I just trust in my schedule and Maggie (Easter Seals) and I know it will go well.

I had a moment of weakness and called Manchester School District when I realized we had 3 appointments with them this month. Basically preparing Carter for his transition from Early Intervention Services from Easter Seals to OT, PT and Speech through the Manchester School District. This is a very scary process. I know what I have to bring and when I have to be there and I put my faith in God that it all turns out for the best. My biggest question is where will he go to school and how will he manage on the bus????? When I say manage I mean emotionally not physically. I know he will overcome any physical obstacle he faces with school. It is the emotional that I worry about now!

As for Chase we are also working on transitioning him from home to pre-kindergarten. OH MY GOD my 1st born in pre-kindergarten. Just so overwhelming all at once. Anyone know of a good local program for a 4 year old that is accredited? I do not even know where to begin. I just know every time we take the highway to Bedford he sees Kinder Care and says "Mom that is my school". I would also like Chase to bus to school. I want them to be independent in that mannner. I have to be at work at 6 am.... and with one vehicle I think he needs to bus as well.....

Okay enough venting....... Phew~!


Stephanie said...

I'd like to reccommend the VNA Child Care Ctr. My grandson went there all through his pre school years and is now in Kindergarten. They odo offer busing for "qualified" families, sliding scale fees, and a great pre-k program. Here's their info:

sweetpeas said...

Funny you should say that! When I drove by 2 nights ago the thought had crossed my mind to look into it. Thanks for the input and the website. Kelli

Stephanie said...

You know, I live right by the VNA now, your gonna have to come over for a visit sometime.

sweetpeas said...

Here is an email I got from a friend that I wanted to include on this post....

Hi Kelly,

I check out your blog occasionally and I see that you wrote about school and Carter and bussing to school. When Craig began in the early intervention program at Pembroke they have a special ed bus (a little bus) that picks up the kids with special needs. The teachers in Pembroke always came out to get those kids (especially the young ones) off the bus and to their class. As Craig got older he began to ride on the regular bus with the kids in the neighborhood but alot of the special ed kids with handicaps etc. kept right on riding the smaller bus. The good thing about those buses is that they pick them up right at the door. I am not sure if Manchester offers this same program but it is something to ask about as you begin the many meetings you will have with the school. Take advantage of everything they will give you. Craig had a shared aide all through his entire school life.

Just thought I would offer some friendly advice, as a parent who has been through the system I know you don't mind hearing about how some of these things work. You are Carter's biggest advocate - don't hesitate to ask for what you want or Carter's needs.

Jessica said...

I agree with the above note. Take advantage of everything they offer. Wes loves taking the bus now and gets mad when he doesn't. The bus pulls up in front of our driveway and his para-professional comes and gets him off the bus when it arrives at school. I pick him up afterwards. This will be great for the both of them and you. It's so rewarding to see them take an independant step and to bring home that adorable artwork. Transitions are hard for everyone, but once the new routine is in place, everything will be okay.